Former Milton Barracks Site in Gravesend

July 17, 2023

Former Milton Barracks Site in Gravesend

We are developing the last remaining part of former Milton Barracks site in Gravesend, Kent. Still existing on this site is the Water Tower built in 1865 by W and H Spencelayh of Rochester which is due to be demolition in the coming weeks.

The last use for the site was by St John Ambulance with the site sitting empty for the last 5 years. Currently the site now has planning permission 6 affordable homes.

This week we’ve been undergoing a site investigation works accomplish on behalf of Gravesham Borough Council.

Works managed and carried out on Longley Group behalf by Sevenoaks Environmental consisting of 5 No’ 5m deep Dynamic Sampling Boreholes utilising a Continuous Dynamic Sampler Rig. Plus, a series of hand dug trial pits up to 1.2m deep and soil sampling and analysis of proposed garden locations.

All monitored by Canterbury Archaeological Trust and an Unexploded Ordnance Engineer due to sites previous use as a military barracks.